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If you find the rankings discouraging, please remember that you are not defined by your ranking in a group along one dimension of who you are as a person.

First, this is a very unrepresentative group because people who are willing to take photos are typically more attractive than those who aren’t, and people who are willing to post photos online are even more likely to be attractive. Is the person who finished last in an Olympic race slow, or are they just slower than other exceptionally fast people? Most of the people in the middle of the leaderboard would easily be in the top quarter of all women on Earth, if not the top 10%.

Second, physical attractiveness is just one dimension of who you are as a person and it should be freeing, rather than discouraging, to discover where you rank along that dimension… now you know the truth. For example, I discovered I'm in the bottom quarter, so am about a 3 out of 10, and it's like a weight lifted off my chest.

Third, everyone might want to be viewed as smart, funny, attractive, responsible, and every other positive trait imaginable, but we are all just flawed humans with a mixture of strengths and weaknesses. Embrace and accept who you are!